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Health Services


  • Denise Hershman, RN  -  Charge Nurse
    • WNP - 260.894.3191 x4040
  • Destiny Dice, RN
    • WNE - 260.894.3191 x1040
  • Gabrielle Lewis, RN
    • MS - 260.894.3191 x2040
  • Christine Jinks, RN
    • HS - 260.894.3191 x3040

In the absence of the school nurse, unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) selected and trained by the school nurse will be available to administer first aid and medications according to school policy and provided training.  A corporation school nurse is always available to UAP by phone should student care require assessment or care beyond the training of the UAP.


All students must be up-to-date on vaccinations upon returning to school in August.  Two Hepatitis A vaccinations are now required for ALL grade levels.  This particularly impacts high school students who were not required to receive Hepatitis A when they entered kindergarten.  As always, 6th graders are required to receive one MCV4 (meningococcal) and one Tdap vaccination and 12th graders are required to receive an additional MCV4 before the first day of school.  Please contact your healthcare provider soon to schedule these vaccinations as appointment times may be delayed due to the current health crisis.    


Medication Policy:


  1. Only medication that is necessary to take at school should be sent to school.
  2. Prescription medications need to be in the original container labeled with the prescription label.  A medication administration authorization form must be signed by the parent for prescription medications to be administered by the nurse.
  3. Over the counter medication must be in the original package and will only be administered according to package instructions and with a medication authorization form signed by the parent.
  4. Herbal medications require a doctor's order to administer at school.
  5. Students may not carry or administer medication to themselves at school unless they have a self-carry order from a healthcare provider.  This includes inhalers and EpiPens.
  6. Parents accept legal responsibility for the safe arrival of medication to school.


Illness Policy:

Students should remain at home for illness if they have:

  1. A temperature of 100 degrees or higher. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.
  2. Vomited within the last 24 hours.
  3. More than 2 diarrhea stools within the last 24 hours.
  4. Red, watery eyes not associated with allergies.
  5. Skin sores, rash, or skin condition that is known to be contagious and has not been treated.
  6. Excessive coughing.

*  COVID UPDATE  (March 4, 2024):  "Now, with COVID deaths and hospitalizations dropping, the CDC says children can go back to school when their overall symptoms improve and they're fever-free for 24 hours without taking medication. Students are "encouraged" to wear a mask when they return."

If the school nurse finds these signs, any other signs of communicable illness, or live head lice, the parent will be called and the student will be sent home.

Immunization Information

  • Indiana 2024-2025 Required and Recommended School Immunizations - English
  • Indiana 2024-2025 Required and Recommended School Immunizations - Spanish
  • Contact your school nurse if you have questions or concerns.

Infection Control

As we continue to make our way through the cold and flu season and now face the uncertainty of Covid-19, it is good to remember four basic measures to stay healthy: 

  1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.  Good handwashing requires soap and water, lasts at least 20 seconds, and covers every surface of your hands.
  2. Cough or sneeze into your elbow.  Not into your hand.  Not into the air.
  3. Keep your hands away from your face.  Germs enter through your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  4. Stay home if you have symptoms of illness.  Students should not return to school after illness until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.  This will be strictly enforced by our nurses.
